Sunday, April 28, 2013

All my love

Counting down the days to the bitter end...or as my team director says, it's all over but the weeping.  Finals week is upon us, final coffee dates and lunches have been penciled in, departing conversations and letters and hugs and memories to be made.

Questions arise in my mind - did I do enough? did I say what needed to be said? did I love as I should have loved?  Names of girls I wanted to invest in and never had the chance to do so.  Seemingly "failed" relationships or attempts to spark a conversion.  The dreams of a missionary.

Daydreaming about the past two years, where I've been and how I've grown.  Dreams for the future, looking ahead at the long road in front of me.

Desires arise in my heart, not to be stifled but to bring to the foot of the cross. This too, my Jesus, I offer up to You.  Everything is Yours.