Saturday, May 28, 2011

The beginning

I hardly feel authorized to be writing this!  I've been at New Staff Training (NST) for three days and it still catches me off-guard whenever I hear another member of FOCUS refer to me as a missionary.  A Catholic missionary.  Never in my life did I expect to be doing this, but I'm quickly finding out that our God is full of surprises!

My first lesson was not learned in a classroom in the most formal sense of the word -- we won't start NST classes officially until Monday -- but in the best class taught by the greatest Teacher.  I'm a slow learner, and so it took morning holy hours, Mass, Adoration with praise and worship, and finally extra time before Jesus in the tabernacle to recognize today's lesson, which I expect I will continue learning on a deeper level throughout NST and hopefully the rest of my life.  It is simply -- and most profoundly -- this:

God is love, and love is of God.  God delights in me!  One of my favorite lines from Fr. Jean C. J. d'Elbee is "Jesus, You are my joy, and I, too, am Your joy."  I can do nothing to earn His love.  I don't have to, because He gives it freely.  I read and reread 1 John 4:7-21 tonight.  John has such confidence in the love of God for His people.  No wonder he was called the beloved apostle!  If only we could all realize and believe in that love.

Go, read the fourth chapter of the first letter of John.  See for yourself how great is the love of our sweet Savior.

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