Thursday, May 17, 2012

Divine appointments

I am certain He does this on purpose.  You can't convince me otherwise.  You can't tell me it was just coincidental that a secular Carmelite who prays for religious and young people's vocations just happened to be passing through Nashville, to attend morning Mass at St. Joseph's (at the advice of hotel staff), to see me after Mass and feel that she had to come over and ask how she could pray for me.

Or that the same morning, I would be falling more in love with Jesus, noting the Dominican sisters attending Mass with their students, and having anxiety about my discernment to pursue marriage rather than religious life.

The best part is, this is #2 in a series.  Two years ago, when I was more deeply enmeshed in vocational anxiety (and believed that the only way to pursue holiness and have a truly profound relationship with Jesus was to be a religious sister), I had my first encounter with a secular Carmelite.  Doors began opening before me.  I had no idea you could be married with a family and still be so radically alive in your Faith.

He has filled me with joy in every possible way.  I am in awe of His presence and His plan as it unfolds before me.  I am incomparably and undeservedly blessed.

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