Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Just once more

Fairly frequently, it seems, I happen upon what I believe to be a truer understanding of my job.  How exactly do you define the position of a FOCUS campus missionary?

We lead Bible studies.  Yes, but that's just a tool.
We evangelize on campus, sharing the Gospel with the lost.  Yes, but that's just one small part of it.
We mentor students who then in turn can lead others.  Getting closer, but actual discipleship only occurs during a few hours of my week.

I think the reason I've been struggling to define it is that it can't be explained in a job description.  There aren't particular duties or obligations that make up my day-to-day work.  It's more of an idea or a calling...

To love.  Unceasingly.

I visited a freshman in her dorm room and helped her to rearrange the furniture.

I gave a girl a ride home after late-night prayer in the chapel.

I invited a girl to our drop by our apartment and offered her homemade brownies.

And amongst all these little offerings of love is conversation.  I can give encouragement to the sad and inspiration to the weary.  I can bring God to the forefront of their minds.

Finally, and I am reluctant to mention this but feel that it's true, I impact them by my example.  I act as a role model to these young women, through my daily habits of prayer, my interactions with others (and with men in particular), and my practice of virtue.  I do not mean to imply that I have achieved a level of sainthood by any means, but I have been in their shoes and have grown from there, so it is logical that I may help them in their own faith journey.

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