Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Let me say it again...

I realize that the majority of my blog posts revolve around a single topic, which is evident even just by skimming through the titles.  So I began to ask myself why? Why does the subject of love seem to take top priority in my mind, second only to God Himself?

Because God is love.

Because it is this for which we were made, to love and be loved.  Or, to quote the Catechism: God made me to know Him, to love Him, to serve Him, and to be happy with Him in heaven.  It's as simple as that.

Why do men and women marry? Why are babies born? Why can a smile change the mood of your day? Why do people of all ages desire to give themselves away through service projects and mission trips and volunteer work?

Every answer is love.

Why have divorces, suicides, abortions, poverty, and countless other tragedies become a sad but common reality in our modern society?

Because of a real or perceived absence of love.

My head hurts, trying to wrap my mind around the universality and timelessness of it all.  My heart hurts, trying to grasp the notion that I can do so little, and yet everything I do is magnified and will echo throughout eternity if it is in union with the infinite love of Jesus Christ.  My hands and feet become restless with a holy impatience. Now is the time. We are called to serve.

Missionaries: we serve the world because we love. But let us always remember our place. We are never creators of love, but rather receivers who have now become reservoirs of love.

"We love, because He first loved us." -1 John 4:19

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