Thursday, August 29, 2013

Letting Him work

So much of the spiritual life of grace I have viewed as me grasping, trying, planning, leading, controlling. What can I do to make myself a saint?

Perhaps I've never been farther off the mark.

"He did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant."

This is about peaceful acceptance, knowing I am forever in the hand of an all-knowing, all-loving God Who is leading the dance. All I have to do is rest in His arms and allow Him to carry me. Not passively or slothfully, but trustingly. There is no need for me to "figure it out." What He chooses to reveal to me, how, and when is up to Him entirely. I am His instrument to play upon. I am not the Divine Musician.

The less I struggle in His arms like an impatient child, the more quickly He can teach and stretch me and the more deeply I will sink into His mercy and love.

O my Jesus, I accept everything You have given me because I know it comes from Your perfect love and because I desire to love You in return.

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