Thursday, June 23, 2011

Not easy

Today's Gospel from Matthew was so applicable to my recent worries.  Actually, almost every day of training seems to have Mass readings that apply perfectly to the challenges and lessons involved in missionary work.  Or maybe it's just that I'm learning how to listen.

The Gospel was from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.  It's a common parable - the story of the house built on sand and the house built on rock.  In the past I've always focused on those differences between them, but tonight I realized how they are similar.  Regardless of their foundation, both are afflicted by the elements.  In both cases, "the rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house."  Neither home is prevented from these trials.  It reminds me of a earlier passage which says that God "sends rain on the just and on the unjust."  We are not protected from suffering by virtue of our efforts, by our holiness, or by our trust in the Lord.

Assessing the past few weeks of my own life, it's as though I expected that difficulties would cease as I grew closer to God.  He loves me as a beloved daughter -- surely He would protect me from trouble?  How presumptuous I am.  For Jesus clearly says to His disciples, "In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world." (John 16:33)

The difficulties that I face are not a sign of God's abandonment.  He is always near to me and guards me from sin, but He often allows me to experience trouble, that I may remember both my littleness and my dependence on Him.  Father, watch over Your child, for I am weak.

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