Friday, June 3, 2011

Night prayers

Tonight I was literally sitting at His feet.  I went to the chapel with a stack of books, intending to read and journal, but instead I just poured out my heart to Him.  And He listened.

It was almost as if I'd never talked to Him before.  Others came in and out of the chapel, but I sat there in front of the first row of pews, just being near to Him.

I can't be any missionary other than myself.  I have unique gifts given to me by the Father that He intends for me to use in His service, but I won't accomplish this if I try to fill the shoes of another.  My job is just to love God and to share that love with others, and this I can do regardless of my knowledge, wisdom, and talents.  Our world needs men and women of good character, formed in virtue.  That is my aim.

I can do all things in Him who strengthens me. ~Philippians 4:13

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